Friday, September 7, 2007

so this is the end!

I had my final today! I think I did really well which is such a relief cause I studied as much as I could this week. Tomorrow I'm moving out of Towers Hall and back home for a few weeks until school starts again. It kind of sucks that I have to move all my stuff back home and then back into the city in my apartment but I guess that's life. I'm actually getting my tonsils out next Wednesday... I'm really nervouse because Ive never had surgery before where it's required general anestesia(sp?). I had my wisdom teeth out but that was just conscious sedation so hopefully everything will work out fine. At least I have tomorrow to look forward to; I am meeting up with my roommates for lunch so we can discuss what we need for our apartment and actually get to see it. So I'm excited for that and I think we are going to Ikea too so it should be a good day. Alright well I'm going to go pack for the move out. But if you guys have any questions you can email me at or you can facebook message me. GOOD LUCK KIDDOS!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

almost the end of summer

So the summer term is almost over! Im so excited to start in the fall again! I can't wait to be a sophmore in college! I feel so old it's crazy! Im going down to the shore this weekend for Labor Day. i am really excited! I haven't laid out on the beach all summer because I have been so busy here in Philly. I love how Drexel is so close to the Jersey shore its only a quick day trip. But after the shore I have to buckle down in my schoolwork and study for my Physics 2 final. I hope I do well on my final cause I want to continue gettting good grades so that I can apply for an exciting Co-op position and I wan to show my employer that I know how to work hard. Alright I have some homework to do so I have to go. Ill try and update you guys one more time before school starts. Enjoy the summer only a few weeks left!

Friday, August 17, 2007

My Weekend!

hey guys so it's been awhile since i last posted! I'm really excited for this weekend. My schedule is definitely packed. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with one of my friends from home and then we are going to see The Bouncing Souls. They are playing at the Electric Factory. I haven't seen my friend since forever so tonight will be fun! Then tomorrow I am going to see O.A.R. at the Tweeter Center in Camden. We are going to head out early and hang out with some people in the parking lot. Augustana is playing too. I really love that song Boston, its real good. Then Sunday I am going home to see my family for a bit and go out for dinner! There is only 3 weeks left to the term. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone. In about a month it will start another year of school. I'm really excited to start my core Chemical Engineering classes. And then in the spring I go out on my first coop! Scary and exciting all at the same time!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

summer trips

So this week has been really hot, thank God the dorms have air conditioning. Tomorrow I'm going to warped tour... I'm really excited. I go at least once every summer. I get to see all my favorite bands and all my friends who dont live close to me so it will be really good to see all of them. I hope I don't get too sunburned lol. This weekend I think I'm going home to see my family. I haven't seen them in so long. Hopefully I can hang out with some of my friends too. Being in the city during my freshman summer means that I don't get to see my friends from home as much as I'd wish. I think I'm going out to Oregon in September to see my friend Jess. She lives and goes to school at the University of Oregon in Eugene. It would be nice to see her and the West Coast atmosphere. Til this summer the farthest west I've been was Ohio but now it's Chicago. I want to go out there for a week maybe go to Cali for a weekend, we'll see. I want to travel a lot now while I'm still young before I have to get a job and be an adult. I hope you are enjoying your summer!

Monday, July 23, 2007


So this weekend I went on a road trip to Chicago. It was so much fun. It's a great city (nothing comes close to Philly in my heart) and its a beautiful area! It's located right on the border of the Great Lakes. I thought it was kinda weird though that places in downtown Chicago closed so early. In Philly, you can get dinner at a nice restaurant to at least midnight. It was really weird, 9pm and everything was closed. Anyway I did all the toursity things ie. Sears Tower, The Art Institute, A Cubs game, all the fun stuff that you can think of. It's nice to be back though and sleep in my own bed lol. Only three weeks left of orientation, i hope everyone has been going to the ice cream socials. Above is a picture of me in front of Wrigley field where the Cubs play.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Study Break!

So I'm studying for my first physics exam of the summer term. It's tomorrow and I am stressing but who does'nt stress before exams. Anyway, it's been really busy on campus lately. Orientations have been starting and there's tons of kids on campus lately. It's hard to believe that just one year ago I was here for orientation. I can't believe all the stuff I've learned in just one year. Anywho, this weekend I went down to South St. and went shopping/ went to dinner at Johnny Rocket's! It was tons of fun. My friend from home came to visit and we spent the whole day catching up on old times and hanging out in Olde City. I was actaully planning on going to the Philles game tonight, but I realized I needed to study instead. The skyline from my dorm room looks absolutely gorgeous tonight! I don't know if the picture does the sight justice.

okay well back to studying!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hello and Welcome

Hey guys! My name is Melinda and I would like to welcome you to my blog. I never know what to write in these things so I guess I'll start by introducing myself. I recently just finished my first year at Drexel as a Chemical Engineering major. I am originally from South Jersey, from a small town called Tabernacle which is about 40 minutes outside of the city. I am staying on campus for the summer, taking classes and working with the Drexel Welcoming Crew. So if you have any questions feel free to ask me! Wednesday is July 4th! I'm pretty excited to spend it in the city. I can't wait for the fireworks! I hope everyone has a good holiday!