Tuesday, August 28, 2007

almost the end of summer

So the summer term is almost over! Im so excited to start in the fall again! I can't wait to be a sophmore in college! I feel so old it's crazy! Im going down to the shore this weekend for Labor Day. i am really excited! I haven't laid out on the beach all summer because I have been so busy here in Philly. I love how Drexel is so close to the Jersey shore its only a quick day trip. But after the shore I have to buckle down in my schoolwork and study for my Physics 2 final. I hope I do well on my final cause I want to continue gettting good grades so that I can apply for an exciting Co-op position and I wan to show my employer that I know how to work hard. Alright I have some homework to do so I have to go. Ill try and update you guys one more time before school starts. Enjoy the summer only a few weeks left!

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