Monday, July 23, 2007


So this weekend I went on a road trip to Chicago. It was so much fun. It's a great city (nothing comes close to Philly in my heart) and its a beautiful area! It's located right on the border of the Great Lakes. I thought it was kinda weird though that places in downtown Chicago closed so early. In Philly, you can get dinner at a nice restaurant to at least midnight. It was really weird, 9pm and everything was closed. Anyway I did all the toursity things ie. Sears Tower, The Art Institute, A Cubs game, all the fun stuff that you can think of. It's nice to be back though and sleep in my own bed lol. Only three weeks left of orientation, i hope everyone has been going to the ice cream socials. Above is a picture of me in front of Wrigley field where the Cubs play.

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