Friday, August 17, 2007

My Weekend!

hey guys so it's been awhile since i last posted! I'm really excited for this weekend. My schedule is definitely packed. Tonight I'm going out to dinner with one of my friends from home and then we are going to see The Bouncing Souls. They are playing at the Electric Factory. I haven't seen my friend since forever so tonight will be fun! Then tomorrow I am going to see O.A.R. at the Tweeter Center in Camden. We are going to head out early and hang out with some people in the parking lot. Augustana is playing too. I really love that song Boston, its real good. Then Sunday I am going home to see my family for a bit and go out for dinner! There is only 3 weeks left to the term. I can't believe how fast the summer has gone. In about a month it will start another year of school. I'm really excited to start my core Chemical Engineering classes. And then in the spring I go out on my first coop! Scary and exciting all at the same time!!!

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