Monday, July 23, 2007


So this weekend I went on a road trip to Chicago. It was so much fun. It's a great city (nothing comes close to Philly in my heart) and its a beautiful area! It's located right on the border of the Great Lakes. I thought it was kinda weird though that places in downtown Chicago closed so early. In Philly, you can get dinner at a nice restaurant to at least midnight. It was really weird, 9pm and everything was closed. Anyway I did all the toursity things ie. Sears Tower, The Art Institute, A Cubs game, all the fun stuff that you can think of. It's nice to be back though and sleep in my own bed lol. Only three weeks left of orientation, i hope everyone has been going to the ice cream socials. Above is a picture of me in front of Wrigley field where the Cubs play.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Study Break!

So I'm studying for my first physics exam of the summer term. It's tomorrow and I am stressing but who does'nt stress before exams. Anyway, it's been really busy on campus lately. Orientations have been starting and there's tons of kids on campus lately. It's hard to believe that just one year ago I was here for orientation. I can't believe all the stuff I've learned in just one year. Anywho, this weekend I went down to South St. and went shopping/ went to dinner at Johnny Rocket's! It was tons of fun. My friend from home came to visit and we spent the whole day catching up on old times and hanging out in Olde City. I was actaully planning on going to the Philles game tonight, but I realized I needed to study instead. The skyline from my dorm room looks absolutely gorgeous tonight! I don't know if the picture does the sight justice.

okay well back to studying!