Friday, September 7, 2007

so this is the end!

I had my final today! I think I did really well which is such a relief cause I studied as much as I could this week. Tomorrow I'm moving out of Towers Hall and back home for a few weeks until school starts again. It kind of sucks that I have to move all my stuff back home and then back into the city in my apartment but I guess that's life. I'm actually getting my tonsils out next Wednesday... I'm really nervouse because Ive never had surgery before where it's required general anestesia(sp?). I had my wisdom teeth out but that was just conscious sedation so hopefully everything will work out fine. At least I have tomorrow to look forward to; I am meeting up with my roommates for lunch so we can discuss what we need for our apartment and actually get to see it. So I'm excited for that and I think we are going to Ikea too so it should be a good day. Alright well I'm going to go pack for the move out. But if you guys have any questions you can email me at or you can facebook message me. GOOD LUCK KIDDOS!